Balancing Fear

Authentic Fear Versus In-Authentic Fear⠀

This realization can help you balance fear and subside anxiety:⠀

Authentic fear is when you respond to an immediate and actual threat that is happening to you.⠀
ex) a tiger chasing you⠀

Inauthentic Fear is when you “imagine” what you think is happening or is going to happen. It is “perceived” fear that your mind has created and your body responds to. This can create all the symptoms of authentic fear (anxiety, panic, etc.) in your body but the threat is not actually happening, it is not real in this moment.⠀
ex) worrying that the tiger is going to get you⠀

There is a lot of fear going on right now right now. So much so that you can feel it and see it everywhere we go. Try stay grounded and acknowledge those fears for what they really are. Instead of letting the fear take control by freezing or panicking you; YOU get to take control and act on the necessary precautions you need to feel safe, healthy and secure.⠀

The negatives of fear:⠀

- it pushes your body into its sympathetic nervous system where your adrenals are forced to pump adrenaline and cortisol, leading to unnecessary stress on your body and eventual burnout.⠀
- it inhibits proper digestion, to breakdown and absorb essential nutrients needed in your everyday.⠀
- it keeps you away from the present moment of what is ACTUALLY happening.⠀
- it prevents you from moving forward, whether it be in your career, relationships, accomplishments or health progressions.⠀
- it creates confusion, overthinking and distraction. ⠀

So the next time you feel worry, fear, stress or anxiety; ask yourself “is this real fear or in-authentic fear”? Is this actually happening to you right now in this moment or is it a “thought” that has taken control....