5 Easy & Free Ways to Reduce Toxins in Your Home

Reducing toxin exposure in your home doesn't have to be expensive or complicated! Check out these 5 FREE and EASY ways to reduce toxins in your home today:⠀

💨 1. Open Your Windows⠀

We spend 90% of our time indoors (likely more during the winter months) and the air quality in our home can be 2x-5x more polluted than outdoor air!⠀

Try to open your windows and let your house breathe!⠀

👟 2. Take Your Shoes Off⠀

Most of us take our shoes off at the door but do your kids?!? My kids always run in the house with their shoes on and it drives me crazy!⠀

Shoes can carry contaminants like bacteria, pesticides, heavy metals and more!⠀

Remind your kids (constantly 🙄 ) to remove their footwear and have a designated spot where they can keep their shoes before tracking them in the house.⠀

🍇 3. Wash Your Produce⠀

Whether you are buying organic produce or not, its always important to give that produce a bath to remove pathogens and pesticide exposure.⠀

Try soaking your produce for 15-20 mins in a natural solutions, rinse and dry before storing. Bonus points if you want to cut and prep your fruits and veggies before storing 😉⠀

Natural Solution Options:⠀
- 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water + lemon juice or lemon EO⠀
- 2 to 4 tbsp of baking soda + lemon juice or lemon EO⠀

4. Clean Often⠀

Don't shoot the messenger 🙋 . ⠀

Cleaning often and effectively is one of the best ways to reduce toxic chemicals in your household. Vacuuming and dusting often with a proper microfiber cloth (linked in bio) will pick up dust rather than spreading it around the surface or into the air.⠀

☎️ 5. Turn Off Wifi⠀

The best way to reduce EMF exposure in your home is to turn off your wifi and turn on your airplane mode at night. It is also ideal to place your phone as far away from your bed as possible 🖤⠀

P.S. If you read this far, you're pretty kick ass 😊 . ⠀