Gluten Free Doesn't Mean Healthy

Gluten free does not always equal healthy!

We’ve been trying to lower the gluten intake in our house (due to food sensitivities + hyperactivity) and I’m so pleased to see all the “gluten free” alternatives but also shocked by some of the ingredients!

Yes gluten can be a problem but sometimes we can hop on trendy trains without fully understanding all the pros and cons. Depending on your situation or your child’s situation, there are different things to consider…..

1. There are many reasons to avoid gluten:
- Celiac Disease
- Gluten Sensitivities
- Hyperactivity/ADHD, Autism/Autism Spectrum
- Brain Fog, Irritability, Depression and Fatigue
- Inflammation, Arthritis, AutoImmune
- Leaky Gut and Digestive Upset

2. Even given all these issues with gluten, buying a product labeled as “Gluten Free” might even still contribute to some of these problems.

Here’s why:

Gluten is a family of proteins that are found in grains such as rye, spelt, barely and most commonly wheat.

When mixed with water, these gluten proteins form a glue like texture that helps breads rise and “fluff”.

3. Unfortunately many “gluten free” alternatives contain added starches, sugars and gums to try and mimic this gluey dough consistency. These starches and gums can lead to even more digestive upset, bloating and gas!

4. A lot of these “gluten free” options are also very low in nutritional value compared to regular breads!

Need a healthy, “gluten free” option?

Try whole foods:
- Potatoes
- Sweet potatoes (sweet potato toast)
- Rice
- More side veggies
- Organic corn
- Nuts and seeds!

👀 Remember: If you’re hopping on the healthy train or needing to pick “gluten free”. Be sure to check out the ingredients and add some whole foods in the mix too! 🙌🏻